Venue Number 26

residential terraced back-to-back houses.

you can view the exhibit from the path. The roads are cobbled, so therefore uneven.

yes, please keep on a lead.

not available at this location.

not available at this location.

The Vicarages

Artist Collaboration

Name of Project: The Vicarage Neighbours

Art form: installation

Project brief: Kirkstall Art Trail commissioned an artist to work with a small community over the summer. The Vicarages are a number of back-to-back terrace houses with cobbled streets, with washing lines reaching across the street from house to house. The artist was briefed to collaborate with local residents to create a large scale work that would be displayed on their streets during the Art Trail.

Artist-facilitator: Joanne Michael

Artist-facilitator bio: “Hi, I am Joanne! I am a neurodivergent creative who is passionate about blending the Arts, Science, and Community in innovative and playful ways. My work fosters community involvement, playful research and invites people to think differently about the world around them. The Vicarages project is a celebration of individuality within the collective.”

Instagram: @happyasabean

Image from one of the workshops that Joanne led.