Venue Number 11

Private residence – terraced house

● The pavement to the house are concrete slabs, there are some uneven slabs. It is located on a steep hill.

● There is a gate into the garden. It is metal and XX cm high. The latch is on the left hand side.

● There is a  XX cm step up into the garden.

● The path leading up to the house is concrete.

● The front door will be unlocked. It opens inwards. It is too narrow for wheelchair access.

● There is a XX cm step up into a small porch, with a grab rail on the left hand side exterior wall.

● There is an interior door that opens inwards.

● There is a XX cm step up into the house, with a grab rail on the right hand side.

● The floor is carpeted, with a rug that has been secured avoiding trip hazards.

● The room is small, it can comfortably fit 5 adults.

● Seating is available.

● Yes, both assistance dogs and pet dogs. Please keep on a lead.

● Please check with the venue owner before entering. A small friendly dog lives here.

● Only one dog is allowed at a time.

● A water bowl is available at the front door.

● There is a clearly labelled bin available for disposing of poo bags in the garden.

● No, not available at this venue

● No, not available at this venue


Name: Mindy Goose

Art form: illustration

Artist bio: “I draw colourful bright illustrations with Molotow acrylic paint markers. I am inspired by all things nature, whether that is the bucolic Yorkshire countryside, bugs and beetles from across the world, or fabulous house plants in marvellous pots.”


Instagram: @mindygooseart

Work for sale: yes

an example of Mindy Goose's artwork