Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Policy


The purpose of this statement, is to set out our commitment and priorities for action on equality, diversity and inclusion.

A small committee of volunteers manages the operation of Kirkstall Art Trail. It is a Charitable Unincorporated Association.

Our Commitment is

  • To put equality and diversity central to the work we do. 
  • To treat all people with dignity and respect.
  • To understand and value diversity and intersectionality. 
  • To enable fair and full participation in our activities
  • To promote equality of opportunity and diversity.
  • To not discriminate on the grounds of protected characteristics.
  • To be transparent and honest.
  • To listen to complaints about conduct and act with a positive outcome.
  • To not disqualify any applicant because they are unable to complete an application form, or respond to emails, unassisted. 

For this statement to be successful, everyone must be committed to and involved in its delivery. Kirkstall Art Trail’s goal is to work towards a community free from discrimination, harassment and prejudice.


There are many different types of underrepresentation within the arts. Removing the barriers to participation is important to us, where it is possible. However, we acknowledge that this can be a challenge.

  • Our aim is to recruit artists without prejudice. But we know that we could do more to market the trail to become a more diverse and inclusive community. We are always looking for ways we can do this. If an artist is unable to complete an online application form, they can make a request for help. They can also request an alternative method of application.  
  • Our committee has diverse representation. Including across a wide range of ages; from all genders; with disabilities; and from different sexualities. We aim to recruit members who have other characteristics not listed.
  • We are aware that not all our venues will be inclusive, and we are unable to make the accommodations we would like to. We aim to make this clear beforehand, this gives visitors a choice when they attend. This will allow them to assess where is accessible for them as an individual.
  • Our aim is to make our communications clear and easy to understand. We have designed the Kirkstall Art Trail website, with accessibility in mind. We can accommodate for different ways of communication if requested.

Monitoring and reviewing 

We monitor our commitments and aims as we work. We review this statement yearly, or earlier if required.  


The policy was last reviewed on 23 March 2024